Level I Software Simulation Online Training

Characteristics Application Development
  • Courseware based on exercises utilizing software simulation to test for mastery
  • Uses a “rapid development” tool such as Captivate, Camtasia, BrainShark, Lectora, etc.
  • Contains voice narration+
  • It is a great way to learn to use the software without touching live data
  • Students learn at the individual's pace
  • Jump start and orient users to the features and functionality of the product or software
  • Provide consistency because all learners experience the same results from the software
  • Estimate: $20,000 - $30,000 per hour learning time, depending on complexity of content, simulation, interactions, assessment and use of multimedia
  • Higher costs of development may be incurred if product or software development is less than 80% complete

Level II Software Simulation Online Training

Characteristics Application Development
  • Courseware based on exercises utilizing software simulation to test for mastery
  • Students are immersed in a simulated environment that reflects the software or situation for which they are being trained
  • Other elements may include multiple job tracks and decision branching scenarios
  • Exercises include rich feedback
  • Includes a final assessment to determine mastery of the materials that reports to a Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Contains voice narration+
  • Enable learners to use the software without touching live data
  • Ideally suited for technical products or software that is stable
  • Well-suited for soft-skills training
  • Students learn at the individual's pace
  • Allow users to experience features and functionality of the product or software
  • Provide consistency because all learners experience the same results from the training
  • Estimate: $35,000 - $60,000 per hour learning time, depending on complexity of content, simulation, interactions, assessment and use of multimedia
  • Higher costs of development may be incurred if product or software development is less than 80% complete

* Seat time is a measure of the amount of time a learner spends engaged with the learning in any setting. In classroom training, it correlates to hours of class time; in online training, it is a measure of the amount of time the learner engages with the developed training program.

+ Narration and audio can be created in-house at Michaels & Associates for the estimate indicated. Requirements for professional voice talent are priced separately.

Note: Michaels & Associates presents all estimates and recommendations for the convenience and information purposes of our clients. Client companies are responsible for their own decisions and implementations, including those affecting profitability.